The Centre aims to facilitate the formation of God’s people in Christ-likeness.
We create resources and learning environments to develop our capacities to know God and participate in His story.
We desire Christian formation and discipleship that establishes followers of Jesus who are rooted in the love of God, established in a community of faith, and empowered by Holy Spirit to love God, and serve His purposes in every context of life and work.
Through an integration of learning, worship and community life we provide opportunities to engage our own stories and desires to more deeply follow Jesus and enact His kingdom.
The Centre exists within Youth With A Mission's University of the Nations.
Through the Centre’s Network we offer seminars, schools and retreats to encourage and equip ministry, church, and YWAM leaders. We develop and provide resources and curriculum to promote Christian formation and discipleship.
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September 4th, 2023
YWAM Holmsted, England and YWAM Harpenden, England
January 9th, 2023
Online and physical classes (where possible)
February 21st, 2020
Cape Town, SA & Harpenden, UK
Recent Blog Posts

Christmastide: A Time to Escape or Inhabit?
Most religions are trying to answer the big questions. Who am I? What are we here for? The common malady of humanity is that unless (as the saying goes) we have been given eyes to see, we won’t see things

What I am Learning About the Christian Calendar
I invite you to watch this YouTube video as we enter into the Advent Season. I live in the south of England. One of the things I love here are all the old churches with their beautiful architecture, art, and

Impression Management: Who Am I?
This blog is dedicated to my beautiful son, Harry. He was one of my greatest cheerleaders during my Master’s journey, and when knew I had decided to do a blog project around identity, he said: “Mum, don’t forget to do

Don’t Hide
Shame. We all experience it, and we are all shaped but it. In Genesis 3, when Adam and Eve anticipate rejection and hide, shame moves in and surrounds their hearts in a vice-like grip. Today, and many thousands of years

Something Terrible Has Happened: Genesis 3
God created the world good, and invited us to join him in bringing universal flourishing throughout creation. But… “…something terrible has happened, and things are not what they are supposed to be.” (Chris Hall) It has been said that Genesis

The Gift of Growing Versus Making
The kingdom of God is like a man who casts seed upon the soil; and he goes to bed at night and gets up by day, and the seed sprouts and grows—how, he himself does not know. —Mark 4:26-27 (NASB) When
The story of the Centre.
Learn more about the roots and growth of the Centre for Christian Formation and Discipleship