About Us
The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people.”
We are part of YWAM’s University of the Nations. The Centre was founded in 2017 by Maureen Menard and a team of people who have been working together for several years to offer a M.A. in Christian Formation and Discipleship. This is an interdisciplinary degree drawing from the fields of Biblical, Systematic & Historical Theology, Human Development, Adult Education, Virtue Formation and Spiritual Formation. This program is academically rigorous while being rooted in application and practice in culturally diverse contexts.
Christian Formation is important to YWAM. So much so, our 5 month Discipleship Training School (DTS) is the entry level course for YWAM’s University, and required to join our mission. The DTS is a full time live-learn community of people, who engage together in a number of daily and weekly Christian practices aimed to facilitate both personal growth and contribution toward one another’s Christian formation. These practices include prayer, worship, practicing God’s presence, listening to and obeying God, instruction from the Word, community service, gospel witness and more.
Maureen has been involved with the DTS ministry since 1982. First as a leader of the DTS program in Amsterdam, and later leading a network of 70 people who serve the 700+ locations that run DTS in 92 languages worldwide. The M.A. in Christian Formation and Discipleship was first created to equip these leaders. However, it has proved to serve many others involved in a variety of life and ministry contexts.
Those involved in the Centre for Christian Formation come from different church traditions, ethnic backgrounds and walks of life. Many are full time missionaries with YWAM and serve in a variety of ministry contexts – some for over 25 years. We have formal degrees in Biblical Theology, Missions, Counselling, Education, Virtue Formation, Church History, Spiritual Directing, Life Coaching and more. Together we aim to develop a holistic vision of life in Christ and offer practical strategies for Christian formation.
We appreciate learning from all streams of Christian practice, both past and present. Wee seek to know God as Father and His incarnate Son, Jesus, through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. We engage Scripture as story, discovering God as He relationally interacts with people and all creation.
We understand discipleship as a way of life involving the development of the whole person and every aspect of one’s life and work. We take seriously God’s assignment to bear His image, make disciples, form communities of faith and steward creation.
We aim to help form God’s people in Christ likeness and support them as they serve God’s purposes in every context of life and work. Our vision is to offer a variety of initiatives to YWAM and the Body of Christ that: deepen one’s identity in Christ in ways that shape desires, attitudes and deeds; help communities explore the benefits of ancient Christian Practices for their walk and witness and more.
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